Whole Foods




I had never set foot in one until yesterday. To call it a grocery store is blasphemous. It’s the kind of shopping experience that makes you want a cigarette afterwards. Hippies and Yuppies shopping together in harmony. It makes Wild Oats look like a gas station nacho bar. I believe this will be a monthly shopping visit for Michelle and me. I only hope we can get something this cool in the new Bellevue Mall redevelopment.

And speaking of cool stores, Michelle and I have been huge fans of West Elm catalogs for years. They just opened up a store across from Whole Foods in Green Hills. There was a janitor following us around the store yesterday, mopping up our trail of drool. These are the kinds of stores that are going to push Nashville into the 21st century. Growing up, I couldn’t wait to get out of here. Sure, I’ve changed after all this time, but so has Nashville. It’s growing up.

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