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One month

I looked at the calendar and today is May 6th. I’ve been keeping this blog for 5 months now and we are one month away from meeting my son. Or at least one month from his due date. We are birthing naturally, so we can’t really pinpoint when he’s going to decide to show his face.

We’re halfway through our meetings/classes with our doula. We have the nursery painted but still need to paint our bedroom and have the carpet replaced in both of those rooms. Still have lots of other things that need to fall into place. We’re getting there. But when I think about the fact that a month is NOT a very long time, and that in a little over a week and a half Michelle will be considered full-term, it really hits it home how quickly it’s going to be here, and how fast time has flown by.

I’m going to be buying a video camera very soon, the first I’ve ever owned. I want a thousand dollar HD camera very badly, but I am going to suck it up and wait and get that another time when we have money maybe, and just get another kind now that’s still nice, but not high-definition.

We are going this afternoon to the Child Safety Center downtown to have them properly install our infant car seat for us. It’s going to be a bit crowded in the Beetle, but it’ll be freakishly cute :)

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