Nashville RAGE

I’ve been told by a friend that Michelle’s art is on the cover on the Rage … we’re in Florida this week, so I have no idea about this. Could anyone pick up some copies for us? Any idea what piece is on the cover? It’s weird hearing news like this the one week we’re not around :)

In other news, It’s Christmas day and I’m sitting by the window of our condo on the beach, watching dolphins in the unusually clear Panama City Beach water. We’re on the 14th floor, so sitting in the living room, we can’t see the beach, only endless water, it feels like we’re on a very tall boat.

The internet connection is horrible here. This will probably be my only post, if I can even get it to work. It’s too cold outside today to sit on the balcony, and when the sun is out, it’s warm enough, but the sun is so bright, it washes out the laptop screen. So basically God is telling me to NOT be on the computer this week, which is fine by me :)

I hope everyone has had a wonderful Christmas. This Christmas season for me has been unlike any other in my history, both with good news and bad news. My step-grandmother passed away yesterday. It’s sad, definitely, but the saddest part was several years ago when she began slipping down the path of dementia … Grandpa Corn had died several years ago, and Grandma Corn has been living in a nursing home ever since. She’s been wanting to die ever since she went to the nursing home, and this morning it dawned on me that even though for us, it’s hard and sad for her to pass on Christmas Eve, she is getting to spend Christmas with her husband again, and that makes me feel very warm, just knowing that.

I think my favorite present I got this year was a little bib that Michelle got me that says “I Love Daddy.” Seeing that made me tear up at the breakfast table. (Let me clarify and say that the bib is for the BABY … sometimes I probably need a bib, and I do love my daddy, but the bib is for baby.) It put things in perspective. Like I said, Christmas this year has been very different than it’s ever been, and it will never be the same again. In the end, I think that will be a very great thing. I look forward to being a dad. I look forward to the possibility of working for myself. I look forward to showing my child what it means to be a good dad and a good husband.

I just heard thunder. This morning, the ocean looked like a freaking lake, I’ve never seen it so calm. It’s started picking up. I don’t see any dolphins at the moment. I should probably catch the weather and see what’s ahead. We’re going to take in a guilty-pleasure kind of a movie this afternoon. The new National Treasure movie. It will have a far-fetched plot and will likely showcase horrible acting like the last one did. But I love movies like this, and for this I apologize to no one.

And speaking of which, the new Indiana Jones movie will be coming out in 2008. Just another reason why ’08 will be a year for the books. If only we can survive the elections.

Merry Christmas!


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