I have so much blogging to catch up on, I don’t even know where to begin. I started making myself a little list on a post-it note that’s stuck to the side of my iMac monitor with different posts I want to write, because while things are happening so fast in the daddy world, I’m also pretty busy with design work (thank goodness) and also getting ready for the Harding Art Show at the end of April. So my writing time has been pretty much nil. I just gave Sebo his dream-feed at 11 … Michelle went to bed a couple hours ago because she hasn’t been feeling well. And here I am at the computer, not really knowing what to do with myself. I have more work to do, I have lots of painting to do, I have art show planning and prep to do, I have things to read that were given to me by both my wife and my brother that I am very behind on. And about 20 other things I won’t even try to mention. And there’s also that item of sleep that I suppose I could go try out.
So I guess I am going to write a little. Just a little. My eyes are a little blurry because I’m kind of sleepy.
Sebastian is a crawling pro. He’s gone from wobbling about, trying not to fall over to crawling with confidence. He’s also pulling himself up on his knees pretty much every chance he gets, as well as occasionally pulling all the way up to his feet. This led us to lower his crib last week to its lowest setting because if we hadn’t, he surely would be doing triple back somersaults over the railing and onto the carpet, probably NOT landing on his feet.
He had a weird screaming fit this afternoon … Michelle tried to get him to go to sleep and after about 45 minutes of him screaming and crying his eyes out, she gave him to me and I could do no better. It was horrible, we didn’t know what was wrong and I likened it to someone having a nightmare while awake. And after all that, we both decided that there’s a very good chance that he was only hungry. We hadn’t thought of this at the time, because he “shouldn’t” have been hungry yet. But he surprised us and when we weren’t feeding him, he really let us have it :)
I’ve sold three of my paintings at Crema so far (one large, two small). I’ve not done quite as well there this year as I did last year, but I think in this economy, I feel lucky to have sold anything at all. And Crema is still one of my favorite places I’ve ever shown, I wouldn’t mind having work there year-round. It’s just a great atmosphere and I’ve met lots of people because of it. Most recently, a band was in town recording an album, and they went to Crema and saw my art. Now they want me to do the artwork for their CD cover, which I am really excited about! I’ve designed lots of CDs, but I’ve never used one of my paintings on the cover. So first a book cover, now a CD cover … I’m trying to make the rounds. I think a wine bottle label would be one of the “ultimates” for me. And I think it’ll happen.
Well, it is getting late. I’m sure Michelle is wondering where I am. I hope she is getting a great night’s sleep.
Take Care
— Aaron